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Bespoke Newborn:


Up to 3 hours


This shoot allows for catering to the babies needs, taken in your own home where you'll comfortable with your new baby.


  • Up to 70 royalty free images on a USB

  • Lots of poses (If the baby will do them, we would never force a baby into an uncomfortable position)

  • Lots of props

  • Family photos

  • Older sibling photos




Standard Newborn:


Up to 2 Hours


By no means is the quality standard, this shoot is more for the budget/time conscious


  • Up to 30 royalty free images on a USB

  • Multiple poses (Again if baby will do them)

  • Props

  • Family photos

  • Older siblings (If time allows)




Basic Newborn:


Up to 1 hour


For the budget conscious; no one should miss out on professional photos taken of their newborn.


  • 10 royalty free photos on a disc

  • A couple of poses

  • Couple of props

  • Family photos



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